Friday, March 30, 2007

That's chow-da. I'll bash you good!

For the first time since I arrived in New Jersey, I cooked yesterday. This has been a part of my life that I have missed sorely since becoming a drifter in September. When will I realize (after five years away from home) that I no longer live as the third of six children in an eight-person household and therefore no longer need to cook as such? I now have eighteen cups of soup that I prepared yesterday in my freezer. Each of my loved ones is now welcome to as much crab & corn chowder as he prefers.

I was attempting to eat biscotti while preparing this post. Now I am left hoping that I fall under that esteemed category of persons who would not be kicked out of bed for eating crackers.


mom and dad said...

Hey Sarah, we love your blog. I will e-mail you some addresses shortly. Love, Mom

Brett said...

Hey Sarah, Can I have some soup? I like crab and corn chowder. So, Brett and I went to the store to get some fish, and we decided we probably needed like 3 or 4 fillets (in case Christy wanted some too). So, Brett thought that fish is comparable to beef or chicken and ordered 2.5 lbs of fish. The guy said, "So your having a fish fry tonight." (first warning) He then proceeded to put all of the tilapia into a bag. (second warning) We are too quiet to correct, and now we have 9 fillets of tilapia. We'll save some for when you visit, but the point is to make you feel better for cooking to much. Love you! ~Ameara (and B)

Matt said...

Hey Jersey Girl! It's good to hear your voice at least electronically. Your cousin Laura Lynn is the Rock Star of the Rockies. She glided to the summit of Long's Peak like it was a walk in Picadilly. We celebrated with some ice cold Stella so it was a great day.
Come to A-town when you get a chance. Love you. Matt