Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Once your dinner arrives, exactly how bad is it when you catch yourself thinking, "Why does everyone seem to overcook lobster!?" At any rate, the crab stuffing my lobster was tender and succulent.

I almost forgot the most ridiculous song from the most ridiculous musical (Camelot), ushering each of us into May:
The lusty month of May!
That darling month when ev'ryone throws
Self-control away.
It's time to do
A wretched thing or two,
And try to make each precious day
One you'll always rue!
It's May! It's May!
The month of "yes you may,"
The time for ev'ry frivolous whim,
Proper or "im."
It's wild! It's gay!
A blot in ev'ry way.
The lusty month of May.
A libelous display!

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